

2021-04-12 11:23:42 来源:脑认知与教育科学教育部重点实验室 点击: 收藏本文










陈琦,比利时根特大学心理学博士,教授、博士生导师,心理学院副院长兼脑科学与康复医学研究院副院长;国家级人才项目入选者,首批“广东省青年珠江学者”,“广东特支计划”青年拔尖人才获得者。中国心理学会脑成像专委会委员,中国神经科学学会认知神经生物学分会委员,中国神经科学学会神经科学技术分会委员,中国认知科学学会社会认知分会理事,广东省认知科学学会常务理事,广东留学人员联谊会(广东欧美同学会)常务理事,广东省青年科学家协会理事。长期致力于建立心理认知过程的计算模型,尤其是语言认知、数学认知、强化学习与认知的计算模型的构建;同时,还采用多种实验方法和技术来验证计算模型的预测并探讨心理认知过程的脑神经活动机制。近五年主持和参与国家自然科学(社会科学)基金项目和省部级项目多项。已在Psychological Review, Nature Communications, Psychological Medicine, Cognitive Psychology, Human Brain Mapping等国际知名学术期刊发表多篇论文。相关成果获“广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖”一等奖(第一完成人)。



2010.06-2010.12   比利时根特大学,从事博士后研究工作;

2011.01-2013.06   美国宾夕法尼亚大学认知科学研究中心,从事博士后研究工作;

2011.01-2013.06   美国Moss康复研究中心(爱因斯坦医学中心),从事博士后研究工作;

2013.10-今      华南师范大学教授;

2014.05-2019.12   华南师范大学心理系副系主任;

2015.01-今   华南师范大学心理学院学术委员会委员;

2015.07-今   华南师范大学博士生导师;

2016.01-今   广东省心理健康与认知科学重点实验室副主任;

2020.01-今   华南师范大学心理学院副院长兼脑科学与康复医学研究院副院长。



Hangfeng Huo, Rong Zhang, Carol A. Seger, Tingyong Feng(*), Qi Chen(*). (in press). The effect of trait anxiety on risk taking: functional coupling between right hippocampus and left insula. Psychophysiology. SSCI

Hangfeng Huo, Carol A. Seger, Dandan Zhou, Zhiyi Chen, Ting Xu, Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng(*), Qi Chen(*). (2020). The assessment dimension of regulatory mode mediates the relation between frontoparietal connectivity and risk-taking: Evidence from voxelbase morphometry and functional connectivity analysis. Brain and Cognition, 140, SSCI.

Dandan Zhou, Jie Luo, Zizhen Yi, Yun Li, Shuting Yang, Tom Verguts, Qi Chen(*). (2020). The Hand-lateralization of Spatial Associations in Working Memory and Long-term Memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, SSCI.

Dixiu Liu, Dandan Zhou, Mengjin Li, Min Li, Wenshan Dong, Tom Verguts, Qi Chen(*). (2019). The Neural Mechanism of Number Line Bisection: A fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 129, 37-46, SSCI.

Chenjie Dong, Qiong Yang, Jingjing Liang, Carol A. Seger, Hongying Han, Yuping Ning, Qi Chen(*), Ziwen Peng(*). (2019). Impairment in The Goal-directed Corticostriatal Learning System as A Biomarker for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Psychological Medicine, 49, 1-11, SSCI.

Dandan Zhou, Hanxi Zhong, Wenshan Dong, Min Li, Tom Verguts, Qi Chen(*). (2019).  The Metaphoric Nature of The Ordinal Position Effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 2121-2129, SSCI.

Shunmin Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Qi Chen(*), Tingyong Feng(*). (2018). Insufficient Task-outcome Association Promotes Task Procrastination through A Decrease of Hippocampal-striatal Interaction. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 597-607, SCI.

Zhiyi Chen, Xingwang Hu, Qi Chen(*), Tingyong Feng(*). (2018). Altered Structural and Functional Brain Network overall Organization Predict Human Intertemporal Decision-making. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 306-328, SCI.

Qi Chen, Erica Middleton, Daniel Mirman(*). (2018). Words Fail: Lesion-symptom Mapping of Errors of Omission in Post-stroke Aphasia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 13, 183-197, SSCI.

Mengjin Li, Dixiu Liu, Min Li, Wenshan Dong, Yalun Huang, Qi Chen(*). (2018). Addition and Subtraction but Not Multiplication and Division Cause Shifts of Spatial Attention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 183, SCI.

Tingting Zhao, Xianyou He(*), Xueru Zhao, Jianrui Huang, Wei Zhang, Shuang Wu, Qi Chen. (2018). The influence of time units on the flexibility of the spatial numerical association of response codes effect. British Journal of Psychology, 109, 299-320, SSCI.

Dixiu Liu, Dandi Cai, Tom Verguts, Qi Chen(*). (2017). The time course of spatial attention shifts in elementary arithmetic. Scientific Reports, 7, 921, SCI.

Dixiu Liu, Tom Verguts, Mengjin Li, Zekai Ling, Qi Chen(*). (2017). Dissociated Spatial-Arithmetic Associations in Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1741, SSCI.

Dandan Zhou & Qi Chen(*). (2017). Color Image Norms in Mandarin Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1880, SSCI.

Tom Verguts(*) & Qi Chen. (2017). Numerical cognition: learning binds biology to culture. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 913-914, SSCI.

Qi Chen & Tom Verguts(*). (2017). Numerical Proportion Representation: A Neurocomputational Account. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 412, SCI.

Mona Roxana Botezatu, Jon-Frederick Landrigan, Qi Chen, Daniel Mirman(*). (2015). Phonological Neighborhood Density Modulates Errors In Spoken Word Recognition. Proceeding of the Cognitive Science Society Meeting.

Gangyi Feng, Qi Chen, Zude Zhu, Suiping Wang(*). (2015). Separate brain circuits support integrative and semantic priming in the human language system. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 3169-3182, SCI.

Daniel Mirman(*), Qi Chen, Yongsheng Zhang, Ze Wang, Olufunsho K. Faseyitan, H. Branch Coslett, Myrna F. Schwartz(*). (2015). Neural organization of spoken language revealed by lesion–symptom mapping. Nature Communications, 6, 6762, SCI.

Erica L. Middleton(*), Qi Chen(*), Jay Verkuilen. (2015). Friends and foes in the lexicon: homophone naming in aphasia. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 77, SSCI.

Qi Chen & Daniel Mirman(*). (2015). Interaction between phonological and semantic representations: Time matters. Cognitive Science, 39, 538-558, SSCI.

Qi Chen & Tom Verguts(*). (2013). Spontaneous summation or numerosity-selective coding? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 886, SCI.

Chen, Q., Mirman, D., Coslett, H., & Schwartz, M(*). (2013). Neurocognitive Components of Word Processing: Evidence from Factor Analysis and Voxelwise Lesion Mapping. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 94, 147-148.

Daniel Mirman(*), Allison E. Britt, Qi Chen. (2013). Effects of phonological and semantic deficits on facilitative and inhibitory consequences of item repetition in spoken word comprehension. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1848-1856, SSCI.

Qi Chen(*) & Daniel Mirman. (2012). Competition and cooperation among similar representations: toward a unified account of facilitative and inhibitory effects of lexical neighbors. Psychological Review, 119, 417-430, SSCI.

Qi Chen(*) & Tom Verguts. (2012). Spatial intuition in elementary arithmetic: A neurocomputational account. PloS ONE, 7, e31180, SCI.

Qi Chen & Tom Verguts(*). (2010). Beyond the mental number line: a neural network model of number-space interactions. Cognitive Psychology, 60, 218-240, SSCI.

Wim Gevers(*), Seppe Santens, Elisah Dhooge, Qi Chen, Lisa Van den Bossche, Wim Fias, Tom Verguts. (2010). Verbal-spatial and visuospatial coding of number–space interactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139, 180, SSCI.



国家自然科学基金面上项目“动态环境下学习过程的认知神经与计算机制” (2021.01—2024.12)










The fellowship from CCNC (the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Conference) 2009.
